Message from the Principal

Message from the Principal
Posted on 09/01/2024

Dear OES families,

It was another great week at OES! Our students have been diligently working on their i-Ready benchmarks, getting accustomed to our school rules and routines, and engaging in various class-building and team-building activities. It's been wonderful to see their enthusiasm and hard work. This week, we also prioritized safety by conducting several important drills, including fire, tornado, and earthquake drills. I'm proud to report that our students handled each drill exceptionally well. Looking ahead, next week we will conduct our first intruder drill. While we hope never to need these skills, practicing them ensures that our students and staff are prepared for any emergency situation that may arise.

Remember we have no school Monday. Enjoy your 3 day weekend!

Read more of the newsletter!

Dr. Meagan Ochoa

View the 2024-2025 academic calendar. 

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